Mid Atlantic Retina

Limble helps this specialty practice cut work order time in half while enabling the strengths and talents of its neurodiverse staff.

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Mid Atlantic Retina is a specialty ophthalmology practice providing services in 17 locations across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.  From diagnostics, to treatment and surgery for some of the most complex conditions, the medical team has been recognized as a national leader in the advancement of research and care for retinal diseases.

The Challenge:

When Stephen Course joined Mid Atlantic Retina as Facilities Manager, the team had no centrally managed facilities department. Coordination of maintenance activities was just one of a very broad array of responsibilities handled by each individual Clinic Manager. This led to a lack of standardization, documentation, or a centralized strategy for maintenance work and inspections. This had the potential to cause administrative headaches, interruptions in care when facilities required repair, costly breakdowns, and regulatory issues.

Stephen knew he could address the practice’s facilities maintenance challenges by applying his strengths: creative problem-solving, big-picture thinking, and a strong desire to make an impact on patients’ lives. And because of his own dual-diagnosis of dyslexia and ADHD that made administrative tasks and executive functioning difficult, he had some specific requirements in mind for the tools and technology he’d pick to help get the job done:

  • A simple, easy to interpret interface with minimal distractions
  • The ability to customize the system in a way that worked for him
  • Quick and easy access to crucial details
  • Functionality that automated and simplified administrative tasks
The Impact of Neurodivergence and Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Did you know?


of the general population is neurodivergent


higher productivity by neurodiverse teams


higher profits at organizations with ability-diverse teams


unemployment rate for neurodivergent individuals

Read more on these statistics and get additional information about the impact of neurodiversity in the workplace. Then, learn how to embrace neurodiversity at your organization.

The Solution

In the two weeks before his first day on the job, Stephen spent as much time as he could researching CMMS solutions. In previous roles, he had used in-house tools such as online forms that triggered email communications. Through his own subsequent professional training, he learned that there were better options out there. 

“I tried every free trial I could get my hands on. I spoke to every rep from every single one of those companies and some of them were just overwhelming to look at, too big with too many modules, or the interface was just terrible,” says Stephen of his time researching CMMS platforms. 

Stephen liked Limble for its flexibility. He could build the system as he went about his day, adding assets and pictures whenever he was onsite at Mid Atlantic Retina’s different locations. He found that he could customize Limble to work in a way that was very complimentary to his own strengths. 

“Everything I can’t do, I can use Limble to do for me which means that the things I’m good at – 3D big picture thinking, thinking outside the box – I now have energy for because I’m not struggling with administrative tasks.”

Stephen Course, Facilities Manager

As the sole Facilities Manager at Mid Atlantic Retina, Stephen also values the support provided by Limble’s customer service team. “It is nice to have this whole team of other people on my side.”


The Result

For Stephen Course, the positive impact of building the facilities maintenance program at Mid Atlantic Retina has been both personal and professional. The company’s reports show that they’ve cut work order completion time in half and that equipment breakdowns are few and far between. Third-party vendors hired to perform maintenance work are more prepared and on-site teams are experiencing fewer maintenance-related disruptions thanks to improved  communication and planning. 

Stephen, himself, thinks about how far he has come since his school days as a student living with undiagnosed ADHD and dyslexia. The skills he has developed to manage his diagnoses since then – making mindmaps and workflows, using timers and breaking down projects into steps – fit perfectly with Limble’s structure. “Limble is a reasonable work accommodation for me and my needs. It is a big deal to be able to get people with special talents and different ways of thinking, and give them the support they need,” says Stephen. 

“Limble covers me where I struggle and leaves me with more energy and time to do the things I’m best at. I get to come to work every day and know that I’m good at something and I’m appreciated, useful, happy.”

Stephen Course, Facilities Manager

Limble helps the maintenance team at Mid Atlantic Retina succeed. They can keep things running smoothly to better support their patients. “And,” as Stephen says, “what’s bigger than that?”

Watch our tour video to see Limble in action.

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