Any business decision you make is only as good as the information you based it on.
It doesn’t matter if we are talking about investments in different maintenance strategies, planning your workforce resources, or planning capital expenditures, having the right information at the right time is paramount.
Compared to many other fields, articles about maintenance often don’t contain many useful statistics. Even when they do, they are often placed there without a proper source.
That’s why we decided to make an overview of the latest available maintenance statistics that could give you some useful insight into the current status, as well as future trends in the maintenance industry. As a bonus, we also threw in some interesting statistics about CMMS.
What is also important to mention is that we were only looking at statistics that came out in the last 3 years and that 90% of data in this infographic is from 2018.
Maintenance statistics
We will not go too deep into general maintenance stats as that was the focus of the infographic.
There are many statistics we could discuss here but most of them won’t be raising any eyebrows as the results are pretty much what you’d expect.
According to the Plant Engineering 2017 Maintenance Study, which was one of our main sources for this infographic, the average time spent on scheduled maintenance is 19 hours per week.
Another statistic we would like to highlight is the popularity of different maintenance strategies. Among the facilities that do actively use a maintenance strategy, 78% of them are turning to preventive maintenance statistics and 61% said that they also still rely on reactive maintenance as a whole.
CMMS is used in 59% of those cases followed by predictive maintenance and reliability-centered maintenance with 48% and 29% respectively.
The last thing we want to mention here is that 37% of respondents are looking at maintenance as a profit center in contrast to 22% of people that look at maintenance strictly as a cost center. The rest are somewhere in between.
Maintenance trends
One of the glaring statistics in this section is the low percentage of facilities that fully utilize the advantages of handheld mobile devices.
Reports show that only 9% of them fully integrated mobile devices as a part of their CMMS and IIoT systems. What is also interesting is that a third of the respondents said how they do not have any plans to introduce mobile devices into their maintenance management while 27% of them are at least considering investing in this area.
With practically two-thirds of the maintenance industry that won’t be using handheld devices in the immediate future, we can only conclude that the maintenance industry is resistant to change.
Especially when it comes to incorporating information technology that can organize, automate, and simplify their maintenance operations.
Maintenance managers know that having quality machinery maintenance workers is as important as having quality equipment. So when it comes to investing in people, respondents said that maintenance personnel receives the most training in these areas:
- Safety – 81%
- Basic electrical skills – 70%
- Basic mechanical skills – 66%
- Motors, gearboxes, bearings – 58%
- Lubrication – 56%
- Predictive maintenance – 56%
Emerging technologies
As something that gets more relevant by the day, it is interesting to see the difference of opinion on how is the Industrial Internet of things changing maintenance management.
Third of the respondents are convinced that IIoT can significantly improve maintenance operations on many different levels. However, 21% believe it will have no impact and 25% said they do not know. It seems IIoT will stay a polarizing topic for a while.
What we didn’t include in the infographic but it is interesting enough to be mentioned here are the investment plans showed in the 2017 Plant Services Pdm Survey.
When asked about “Which emerging technologies are you considering for inclusion in
your PdM initiative in the next 3 years?”, the results were:
- 30% plans to invest in wireless connectivity to field workforce
- 30% plans to invest in smartphones
- 31% plans to invest in tablets
- 32% plans to invest in analytics software
In the same survey, 37% of respondents said that they do plan to increase the investment into CMMS / EAM.
CMMS statistics
When it comes to CMMS statistics, we compared 80 different businesses that were in the process of evaluating available maintenance management software.
To no one’s surprise, the most requested features were:
- Work order management
- Inventory management
- Maintenance scheduling
- Maintenance history
- Predictive/preventive maintenance
Other requested features worth mentioning were reporting, repair tickets, and machine cost/downtime.
Another thing we noticed is that a majority (84%) of these firms are willing to invest between 50$ and 200$ per user/per month. The sweet spot seems to be 50$-100$ with 34% of firms looking for that price range.
Limble’s Starter package starts at only $35 per month per user. Check our pricing page for more info.
Final thoughts
Even those who look at maintenance programs as nothing more than a cost center will agree that it is an important part of any business that relies on it.
In the end, you must be aware that more often than not, investing instead of downsizing is the only way to reach your long-term goals.
What is the point of having a great budget report for this quarter if there is a high chance that 6 months later your assembly line breaks down due to a lack of proper maintenance?
We might be a little biased but we strongly believe that modern, mobile, and easy-to-use CMMS can be a solution for many maintenance-related issues you are faced with every day.
For an in-depth look at what a CMMS is, check out our What is a CMMS System and How Does it work guide.
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That’s notable that 87% of businesses outsource maintenance. I guess that can cut costs. It’s important to have a maintenance schedule to efficiently maintain equipment.