Explore the product

Check out our pre-recorded demo videos. Start at the top or dive into the topic you’re most curious in.

An Introduction to Limble 

This is a quick overview of the Limble product–including asset management, work order and work requests, PMs, spare parts management, reporting, mobile capabilities and more. 

Here’s what customers say about Limble

“Once we pulled the trigger with Limble we were able to move from decision to implementation very very quickly and start seeing results almost immediately.” --Ron McDowell, Association Manager, The Sanctuary at False Cape

Asset Management

This is an overview of how Limble Asset Management helps maintenance teams organize and track all their assets. Track maintenance tasks and key metrics like cost of ownership, downtime, and MTBF by asset, asset group, or location. See how to stay audit-ready with detailed logs of all asset history, perform failure analysis, and optimize PM schedules based on historical asset data.

Want to jump to a specific topic? Check out our most popular topics below:

  • 0:43: Asset detail cards
  • 1:23: Adding fields to assets
  • 3:25: Asset history
  • 3:55: Asset reporting
  • 4:35: Asset QR codes & Mobile

Here’s what customers say about Limble

“We used to spend time looking at individual pieces of equipment. Now, with just a few clicks, I can tell you the asset health and stock status of our inventory.” --Darwin Knight, Co-Director of Maintenance, PolyExcel

Work Orders & Planned Maintenance 

This is an overview of how you can organize all WOs, WRs, and PMs in a single place, and easily assign and track work in real-time with Limble’s mobile app. No more manual data entry or end-of-day desk work. Maintenance teams using Limble to automate their PM program reduce downtime by an average 37%. 

Want to jump to a specific topic? Check out our most popular topics below:

  • 0:36: Creating and completing work orders
  • 0:55: Mobile work orders
  • 06:19: Managing work orders
  • 08:48: Automating PM scheduling
  • 13:40: Customizing the work request portal

Here’s what customers say about Limble

“The ability to get your maintenance scheduled and view it in a week or month outlook has helped us keep up with all the maintenance that needs to be done. The reporting gives more visibility to the work we do.” --Sam Livingstone, Maintenance Mechanic, Allagash Brewing Company

Spare Parts, Vendors & POs 

This is an overview of how Limble customers save an average 29% on spare parts by ordering the right amount of inventory from the right vendor – in bulk and ahead of time. 

Want to jump to a specific topic? Check out our most popular topics below:

  • 01:01: Adding spare parts
  • 01:13: Part details, vendors and assets
  • 01:54: Parts QR codes
  • 03:45: Parts reporting
  • 05:12: Vendors & Purchasing
  • 06:52: Vendor Management
  • 07:53: Creating POs

Here’s what customers say about Limble

“Limble helped us gain insights into our parts inventory, including overstocked parts and unused parts for equipment that was no longer in service. Ultimately, this enabled us to sell or return approximately $20K in excess inventory within our first month using Limble.” --Samantha Handy, Business Process Consultant, Aztec Construction Group

Reporting & Historical Data 

This is an overview of how Limble reports empower you with the insights you need to make important data-driven decisions–advocate for new resources, forecast next year’s budget, and reward top-performing employees.

Want to jump to a specific topic? Check out our most popular topics below:

  • 0:20: Global dashboards
  • 0:45: Review open maintenance and total cost of operations
  • 02:36: Maintenance and employee performance
  • 04:10: Custom dashboards
  • 05:50: Adding to a custom dashboard

Here’s what customers say about Limble

“It is really incredible to see where we’re using our time, our budgets, our time, and resources. The ability to better scope out what a project will cost gives our teams the tools to be even more useful to other teams across the museum than we already were.” --Stephanie McKenna, Assistant Manager for Protection Services, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

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