Aztec Construction

Aztec Construction Group cut their unplanned work percentage nearly in half with an engaged team and a transition to a customizable CMMS.

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Aztec Construction Group is a small family business founded in 1994. Over the last 30 years, it has grown into a multi-million dollar construction company. As a specialized civil contractor, they focus on soil stabilization, custom curbing, and dry hauling across Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.

The Challenge

When Business Process Consultant Samantha Murphy-Handy joined Aztec Construction Group, she began evaluating their maintenance procedures. She found that a lack of organized systems led to inefficiencies and challenges in meeting regulatory requirements.  They needed something to address their biggest issues:

  • Spending over 80% of their time on reactive maintenance
  • Trying to manage work requests with no system for prioritization
  • A preventive maintenance program that lacked organization 
  • No streamlined method for documentation or communication

In addition, they had plans to add a trucking division which would require meticulous preventive maintenance and documentation for regulatory audits.

Murphy-Handy began looking for a CMMS for her team. After collaborating with her maintenance technicians, shop manager, leadership, and crew members, they compiled a list of criteria for their ideal software. 

Top on their list were customizable tools that would be available online or offline and an implementation process that allowed their team to learn at their own pace, but wouldn’t take years to adopt. They also knew they needed excellent customer service, reasonable cost, a user-friendly interface, and Spanish-speaking resources and training.

“It is simple to use and easy to pick up. Efficiency-wise, production goes through the roof!”

Shelton Barbee, Shop Manager

The Solution

Implementation and adoption were top-of-mind for the team at Aztec Construction Group as they researched different CMMS systems. They weren’t replacing an old system, but creating an entirely new system from scratch. For that, they needed a company with excellent customer service to help them customize everything to their specific needs. Limble was the only system that met all their needs.

“It was relatively easy to say, ‘This is the right tool for us!...It is like taking your business from operating on a typewriter to operating on the latest iPhone.”

Samantha Murphy-Handy, Business Process Consultant

With varying schedules and a company that spans several states, getting everyone on their team in one place at one time in order to learn a new system wasn’t possible. Limble’s on-demand training allowed each person to schedule their training—in English or Spanish—whenever and wherever they had the availability.


The Result

The team has adopted Limble across the board. It has allowed them to build preventive maintenance schedules, leading to a drop in reactive maintenance from 88% to less than 50% within 6 months. Their team has created templates and added QR codes to make future truck safety inspections easy and efficient.


Decrease in Unplanned Work Percentage


Saved with Improved Spare Parts Management


Work Completed On-Time

In addition, the morale of the team has improved thanks to easier communication and collaboration. Management has been able to gain more visibility into the work they do, leading to more recognition of team members and greater alignment on business goals from technicians to managers to upper leadership.

``Limble is critical for us to have very detailed documentation for compliance``

Samantha Murphy-Handy, Business Process Consultant

Now, with Limble’s custom dashboards, they have access to hard numbers that help them make difficult business decisions. The maintenance team has the data to better manage maintenance inventory, and also to make the case for replacing heavy equipment at the right time rather than repairing and investing in old, failing equipment. It is smart decisions like these that will keep them growing for the next 30 years.

Watch our tour video to see Limble in action.

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