Hogle Zoo

The team at this accredited nonprofit zoo uses Limble to gain efficiency and connect to its mission.

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Hogle Zoo’s property stretches over 42 acres of natural terrain in Utah. It is a nonprofit committed to educating the local community and caring for their animals according to the highest standards in their field. 

They are proud to be accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums – a distinction achieved by fewer than 10% of zoos across the nation – which recognizes organizations like Hogle for their exceptional animal care, welfare standards, and facilities. 

The Challenge

The teams at Hogle Zoo already had a facilities and maintenance management system. However, it lacked the flexibility and useability they needed. It resulted in workarounds that limited their ability to communicate, report on their activity, and organize their work.

``Unless you could squeeze everything into this pre-made mold, you have a really hard time getting a work order clearly communicated.``

Rory O’Hara, Grounds Supervisor

The Solution

Dan Smith, Director of Facilities at Hogle Zoo knew there was something better out there. He was immediately impressed by Limble’s flexibility and the visibility it provided to the information they needed most. From pictures, comments, and prioritization of work orders to automated communications about work requests, Limble provided the customizable solution they were looking for. 

The Result

As a result of their transition to Limble, the team at Hogle Zoo has saved hundreds of hours of administrative time. They have grown more efficient at pulling in the right people at the right time to get tasks done. 

Technician dashboards were another key feature that filled a void in their maintenance management toolbox. Each team member had a clear view of their specific tasks and a full understanding of how those responsibilities impacted the productivity of the team overall.

The accountability that has come from easily tracking resources has helped everyone on the team be more mindful of time and more productive as a result. All team members have the visibility to see the impact of their work, connecting them to the mission of their nonprofit in a tangible way.

``It helps them be aware of what they’re doing and how that contributes to the bigger picture of what our organization is trying to accomplish.``

Rory O’Hara, Grounds Supervisor

Watch our tour video to see Limble in action.

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